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5 Reasons You Should Care More About The Images on Your Web Site

5 Reasons You Should Care More About The Images on Your Web Site

Guest contributor Sandy Flint is a Houston based professional photographer. His marketing and advertising imagery has been seen across America and Europe. He has an uncanny ability to help business owners craft images that help them acquire new clients. Find out more at

When a prospect is looking for the products or services you provide, your web site is often their first introduction to your business.

You have only one chance to make a great first impression – and you have fewer than 10 seconds to make it. So your web site needs to bring its “A game”.

Here are 5 easy tips you can follow to evaluate the images on your web site, and to make image decisions going forward.

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5 Steps to a Successful Website Launch

Every company, organization, or professional needs a strong online presence to attract an audience, build recognition, and succeed at selling online, providing information, or attracting members. From the first thoughts of website design to the ongoing website maintenance process, these five steps will help you have a strong website launch that leads to ever-growing levels of success in reaching your unique goals.

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